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On the map ...our villa is marked with a gold star


In addition to a monster-size bedroom ... we had a living rm. with fireplace ...

and a bath with a fantastic view, seating area, massage bed & Jacuzzi tub


   Now       THAT'S  

a proper

Tortoise Shell  


Mud - Mud - Mud !!!!


Maybe not as fast as flying .... but Hey ... it gets you there.


Vermillion  Flycatcher




Not as bad as some of us



Down - Down & Down we go.


You can vaguely see our group making it's way down. Sure was dark.


Torches for lack of power.


Here are entrances to two of the lava tunnels we explored - once we got under ground  .... in addition to a photo taken while in one of them.


The lava left behind some fantastic mineral deposits


Making our

way out ..

by a

different route.


We traveled quite a distance



Even though none of us were claustrophobic  .... it was still nice to reach the surface again & set eyes on this  Sulphur Butterfly  & very curious Barn Owl.


Land Iguana


Baby Tortoises


Big Guys


He certainly perked up when his girlfriend joined him.


During lunch ... we were watched over by 3 different species of Pelicans.



Present locations will be marked with a yellow star .. on the maps.








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