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Lodge  Entrance ... our cabin was just on the other side of that fireplace


Lodge  Living Room  &  Bar Area


Our Sitting Room.

When we returned from dinner ...

the fire would be lit ..

and a decanter of Brandy would be waiting.



Complete with electric blanket.

Both the bedroom   AND  the bathroom had balconies overlooking the Crater


Oh Yeah  !!!   This was nice.


See  ?    I  TOLD  you there were rose petals  !!


I took this photo from the tub.   Lord ... but being pampered is nice  !!




6  AM

and the Crater is pure magic


Wall to Wall  Wildebeests


It  was  a  bit  early  for this  girl


White-bellied  Bustard


Sacred  Ibis  .... This was the bird the Egyptians have carved in their tombs.

However there aren't many  ( if any ) left in Egypt. 

 They all seem to be in other parts of Africa.


Spotted  Hyena  Den

Spotted  Hyena


Cape  Buffalo


Yellow  Fever  Tree  ... people used to think that sleeping under this tree would give you Yellow Fever.

(of course  we know it was the mosquitoes that hung out there




Breakfast  In  The  Crater


This guy decided to send  wifey-poo 

to the grocery store


We followed  her progress for almost an hour  before she finally got what she was looking for.

She was a real picky shopper, too.


She even checked us out for a bit.


At  Last  !!


Black-backed  Jackal


Silver-backed  Jackal












THIS part was so not fun  !!


Nearing the main gate ... at last. 

 Could have used this wider portion of the road, farther up the mountain though.


The landscape here is quite diverse




Thompson  Gazelle


Grant's  Gazelle


Bat-eared  Fox




Airport  Gift  Shop


Native Huts 


Great  Rift  Valley


as  they  say
Kiswahili ....

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